When you search for specific information concernig Hellenic Air Force then the books should be your guide. Bibliography related to Hellenic Air Force counts a lot of books and magazines and a group of them is presented right here.


Click on the image above to purchase the Hellenic Air Force 363 Squadron photo-book.



PostHeaderIcon HAFy 2010/B by Special Projects

The brand new HAF yearbook by Special Projects is out with a great DVD with videos of the Hellenic Air Force F-16 Demo Team and special exclusive articles about:

  • 340 Squadron using Laser Guided Bombs
  • F-16 Demo Team Zeus
  • Greek/Israeli co-training exercises
  • Flying with last Hellenic Air Force D-28D-2 Dornier
  • 60 years of Hellenic Air Force jets


Download a free sample of the article about Hellenic Air Force F-16 Demo Team in pdf format : here



Enjoy the F-16 Demo Team - DVD Trailer.